Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring


Middle School E-Learning

Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School hosts E-Learning (Grades 6-9).

Contact Principal Craig DeJong for more information.


Please submit your E-Learning program application by June 15.


There will be an application process with limitations on the number of students accepted into the program. Considerations for acceptance into the program will include the distribution of students across Lethbridge School Division, confirmation of technology requirements to participate fully in the program, as outlined in the application, as well as the commitment to adhere to expectations and conditions of the program.

As learning modes and needs change in response to the global and local context, it is important for education to examine delivery systems responsive to different learning styles and pedagogy that grow contemporary competencies.

• Quality instruction
• Choice and flexibility
• Responding to the needs of students
• Opportunity for students to develop 21st-century competencies
• Student engagement and achievement
• Accessible learning
• Students are members of a collective school community
• Ongoing daily interaction as part
of a classroom community

Learners are innovative thinkers who are successful, confident, respectful and caring.

An E-Learning program is flexible, innovative, and accountable for engaging students in meaningful digital learning experiences where they can thrive within the school and broader community.


Lethbridge School Division E-Learning will include asynchronous learning
(where students engage in learning activities at any time, at their own pace) and synchronous learning (where students engage in course learning at a specific date and time that requires students in the class to be online during the scheduled event).


E-Learning will be delivered online using Office 365 and Microsoft Teams integrated and interactive platforms. Additional software or apps may be explored.


• All delivery will be in English
• Students will be assigned to multiple teachers in middle school
• Regular daily attendance is an expectation
• Students are engaged in learning Monday to Thursday, and a half day on Friday
• Instructional delivery will include whole-group instruction, guided instruction
(small group), as well as access to one-on-one teacher support
• Parent/teacher communication touch-points are available regularly
• Independent and class learning will be made available on Teams
• Students may be required to attend the school periodically for special circumstances (Eg. PAT Exams)
• Students have opportunities to attend the school for book exchange in the Learning Commons and field trips. Extra-curricular activities are also available to all e-learners

A daily/weekly timetable will be created for students that include both synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities. Teachers’ instructional programming will follow
the Alberta Program of Studies in the subject areas:
Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies, and Science.

Physical Education and Health will be taught asynchronously. Literacy and numeracy will be woven into the instructional delivery.

Lessons may be accessed from any device connected to the internet, but a student-owned laptop that runs a current version of windows, and can run Microsoft office is essential.
Laptops will be made available for purchase that match those used within the school.

This is outside of the One-to-One Laptop Program at Senator Joyce Fairbairn Middle School. Families will need to establish a learning space free of distractions and equipped
with the required technological learning tools.


Parents/guardians must be able to:

• support and supervise students throughout the day with synchronous
and asynchronous learning tasks and assignments, as directed by the teacher.
• attend a parent information meeting in the fall for software and program orientation and staff introductions.
• pick up and drop off materials and packages the teacher may require
for learning purposes
• ensure technology is available and the student can access online platforms
• review daily lesson summaries and weekly assignments posted on Teams
• clearly and consistently communicate with the classroom teacher

Students must be able to:

• regularly attend live instructional sessions
• enroll in E-Learning for the entire school year
• complete and submit assignments and class work when requested through division-supported platforms and programs
• be an active and engaged participant in the classroom community