Gender and Sexuality Diversity Alliance- a safe place for everyone!
Thursdays at lunch
Robyn Kalau, Michelle Redman, Kevan Lomness
Gender and Sexuality Diversity Alliance- a safe place for everyone!
Thursdays at lunch
Robyn Kalau, Michelle Redman, Kevan Lomness
Cross Country (Early September)
Each September, in support of the Terry Fox Foundation, the SJF student body participates in the Terry Fox Run/Walk at Nicholas Sheran park. All students are timed as they walk or run the course and the people with the 12 fastest times, in each age group, are invited to compete at the LSAA cross country meet.
Selection Process for Volleyball, Basketball and Badminton (ID Camps run by coaches – the purpose is to identify and assess the level athletes who have an interest in learning the game of volleyball, basketball and badminton. (Please note badminton has only two levels, Rep and General “G” club. See descriptions of levels below.)
Rep Volleyball (Season of Play: Early September – Early November)
Type of Athlete – Good knowledge of basic skills and a foundational understanding of the flow of the game.
Competition - Rep Volleyball Athletes compete in the Lethbridge Schools Athletic Association (LSAA) volleyball league (LSAA league includes a city championship playoff bracket at the end of their league play), Invitational Tournaments (entered by their coaches – Max 4), and south zone volleyball competitions.
Fees - Athletes who participate in Rep volleyball are required to pay a fee for playing. Players Fees are set based on yearly team budgets.
Development ('D') Club (Season of Play: Early September – End of October)
Type of Athlete – Some foundational skills and knowledge of the game.
Competition - Students compete in exhibition games set up by the coach as well as Invitational tournaments (entered by their coaches – 2 Max).
Fees - Athletes who participate in D Club volleyball are required to pay a fee for playing. Players Fees are set based on yearly team budgets.
General ('G') Club (Season of Play: Mid Sept – Late Oct)
Type of Athlete – Little foundational skill/knowledge of the game. Interested in learning about volleyball at the entry level.
Competition - G club is open to all students, grades 6-8, who are interested in learning and playing volleyball (participation in the Rep or Development “D” ID camps is not necessary for admission to G club). Gym times are generally twice a week and the focus is on learning the sport, developing skills, and having fun. G club players do not participate in games against other schools.
Fees – A small user fee is attached to each G club athlete to help offset the cost of equipment wear and tear along with a group celebration at the end of the G club season.
Rep Basketball (Season of Play: November – February)
Type of Athlete – Good knowledge of basic skills and a foundational understanding of the flow of the game.
Competition - Rep Basketball Athletes compete in the Lethbridge Schools Athletic Association (LSAA) basketball league (LSAA league includes a city championship playoff bracket at the end of their league play), Invitational Tournaments (entered by their coaches – Max 4), and south zone basketball competitions.
Fees - Athletes who participate in Rep basketball are required to pay a fee for playing. Players Fees are set based on yearly team budgets.
Development ('D') Club (Season of Play: November - February)
Type of Athlete – Some foundational skills and knowledge of the game.
Competition - Students compete in exhibition games set up by the coach as well as Invitational tournaments (entered by their coaches – 2 Max).
Fees - Athletes who participate in D Club basketball are required to pay a fee for playing. Players Fees are set based on yearly team budgets.
General ('G') Club (Season of Play: End of November - February)
Type of Athlete – Little foundational skill/knowledge of the game. Interested in learning about basketball at the entry level.
Competition - G club is open to all students, grades 6-8, who are interested in learning and playing basketball (participation in the Rep or Development “D” ID camps is not necessary for admission to G club). Gym times are generally twice a week and the focus is on learning the sport, developing skills, and having fun. G club players do not participate in games against other schools.
Fees – A small user fee is attached to each G club athlete to help offset the cost of equipment wear and tear along with a group celebration at the end of the G club season.
Badminton (Season of Play: March/April)
Type of Athlete – Good knowledge of basic skills and a foundational understanding of the flow of the game.
Competition - Rep Badminton Athletes compete in the Lethbridge Schools Athletic Association (LSAA) badminton tournaments and zone competitions.
Fees - Athletes who participate in Rep badminton are required to pay a fee for playing. Players Fees are set based on yearly team budgets.
General ('G') Club (Season of Play: March/April)
Type of Athlete – Little foundational skill/knowledge of the game. Interested in learning about badminton at the entry level.
Competition - G club is open to all students, grades 6-8, who are interested in learning and playing badminton (participation in the ID camps is not necessary for admission to G club). Gym times are generally twice a week and the focus is on learning the sport, developing skills, and having fun. G club players do not participate in games against other schools.
Fees – A small user fee is attached to each G club athlete to help offset the cost of equipment wear and tear along with a group celebration at the end of the G club season.
Track & Field (Season of Play: April/May)
Students are invited to participate in the SJF Track & Field Club. Students who participate have the chance to qualify and compete for SJF at both the City and South Zone track meets.