Drew Sutherland

Phone: 403-381-2977
Hello Falcons! My name is Drew Sutherland and I am excited to be teaching at Senator Joyce Fairbairn again next year! I am teaching Grade 8 Social Studies and Language Arts and have taught Grade 6 Social and Language Arts at Fairbairn. I had always wanted to be a teacher growing up and love doing it! I am very passionate about educating our students.
I am a graduate from both the University of Lethbridge and the University of Alberta. I finished my Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in history from the U of L. I then went onto the U of A to finish my education degree. I majored in Social Studies and minored in Physical Education. I have taught in 3 schools in Lethbridge. I started my teaching career at LCI and then moved onto G.S Lakie. I then had the opportunity to come to Senator Joyce Fairbairn and open a brand-new school! What a journey this has been!
At SJF this year I help coach the ‘D’ club volleyball team and badminton. When I am able, I love helping with both cross country and track and field. Outside of school and sports, I love spending time being active. I am an avid ultra-marathon runner and find any excuse I can to head out to the mountains. I also enjoy playing hockey, golfing, reading and spending time with my family.